Roxanna Ahlbach

Balancing Acts: Insights from Working Moms Who Lead as Entrepreneurs

Balancing Acts: Insights from Working Moms Who Lead as Entrepreneurs

As both a working mom and a business owner, I’ve traversed the challenging yet rewarding landscape of managing a thriving real estate career while nurturing a family. It’s a journey marked by constant juggling, learning, and, most importantly, growing. Here, I want to share the insights and strategies that have helped me and other entrepreneurial moms maintain this delicate balance. These are not just tips, but life lessons that sustain both a healthy business and a happy home.

Embracing the Fluidity of Work and Life

One of the most significant shifts in my approach to work-life balance has been moving away from seeking a perfect balance to embracing a more fluid integration of both. Work-life balance suggests a rigid separation, which isn’t always practical. Instead, integrating both realms allows for a more flexible approach, adapting as the needs of family and business shift.

Prioritizing and Delegating

Learning to prioritize what truly needs my attention and what can be delegated was a game changer. In real estate, timing is crucial, but not every email needs an immediate response, and not every problem requires my direct intervention. At home, it’s similar. While I treasure family time, it’s okay to get help with household tasks or lean on my partner to take the lead. Delegating doesn’t mean you’re not managing; it means you’re managing more efficiently.

Setting Boundaries for Work

Setting clear boundaries has been essential. This means designated work hours when possible, and a dedicated workspace, even if it’s a small home office. Communicating these boundaries to clients and family helps manage expectations. For instance, unless it’s urgent, I avoid taking client calls during dinner time or school pickup. This respect for boundaries not only helps me stay present with my family but also models for my son how to respect their own time and needs.

Leveraging Technology Wisely

Technology can be a double-edged sword. While it enables me to be flexible—like sending emails from a soccer game—it can also infringe on personal time. I use technology smartly, setting specific times to check emails or using app features that limit notifications after hours. This helps me stay connected to both my family and my clients without letting one continually interrupt the other.

Building a Supportive Network

A strong support network is invaluable. This includes family, friends, and professional contacts who understand the unique challenges of being a demanding career.. Networking isn’t just about growing business; it’s about building relationships that provide emotional and practical support. Regular meet-ups, even if just over the phone, with other entrepreneurial moms offers a place to share challenges, solutions, and sometimes just to vent.

Taking Time for Self-Care

Self-care is not selfish—it’s essential. I make it a priority to carve out time for activities that rejuvenate me, whether it’s playing tennis, reading, or just a quiet coffee alone. This isn’t just about relaxation; it’s about maintaining the energy and mental clarity I need to be effective in both my roles. When I neglect this, both my family and my business feel the impact.

Celebrating Small Wins

In the hustle of entrepreneurship and motherhood, it’s easy to overlook the small victories—whether it’s a successful property closing or a smooth morning school run. I’ve learned to celebrate these moments. Acknowledging and sharing these successes with my family and team not only boosts morale but also reminds me why I do what I do.

Emphasizing Quality Time

When it comes to family time, it’s quality over quantity that counts. This might mean planning special weekend activities or nightly dinners where work-talk is off-limits. These moments are sacred and help reinforce the bond with my family, showing them that despite my responsibilities, they are my priority.

Learning from Failures

Not every day is perfect. There are times when the balance tips too much in one direction. Reflecting on these moments, understanding what went wrong, and adjusting strategies is crucial. Failures are not just setbacks; they are opportunities to learn and grow.


Balancing entrepreneurship with motherhood is an ongoing journey with no one-size-fits-all solution. It requires flexibility, patience, and an unyielding commitment to both your family and your career. By embracing the chaos with a plan and a smile, finding joy in both roles becomes not just possible, but profoundly fulfilling.

This blog isn’t just my story; it’s a shared narrative of all working moms striving to lead with love and ambition. Here’s to the moms who dream big and love even bigger—you are the ultimate entrepreneurs.

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